Wanda J. Thompson
Pay Attention….Live on Purpose
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
We really do have to live on purpose. So easy to get distracted and lose days, months even years. Have you ever felt the high of answered prayer? Knowing that God had you on His radar and worked it out. Capture that feeling, preserve it, protect it. And the next time you are tempted to doubt..remember..and get back in faith. And when you are tempted to be bitter or regretful know that He is not a respecter of persons. He shows no favoritism to those that fear Him and work righteousness (see Acts 10:34-35). Be encouraged by the answered prayer of others. Because if He did it for them He will do it for you. He knows what you need when you need it. His plan for you is uniquely your own. No one can walk out your life like you can. No one can get the things done that He needs you to do like you can. You are totally on His radar. Pay attention when He nudges you. Pay attention when He whispers. Live on purpose and obey His voice. What a gift to be created to be in relationship with Him. What a privilege. What an honor. And since we are created in His image what a gift to connect with you.
With Love, Ms. Wanda, GAC