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It's A Journey

Writer's pictureWanda J. Thompson

Open Your Gift

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

I started this blog so people would know that God knows their pain, hurts and struggles. That He doesn’t sit in condemnation but in everlasting compassion. We don’t have to hide from Him or protect ourselves from His judgment all we need to do is accept the fact that He loves us and that love runs so deep He gave, as a sacrifice His only Son to atone for our sins. Do not judge your God as you would man. His love is pure, perfect and complete. It is not based on your performance it just is. No one or nothing can separate you from the love of Christ ( see Romans 8:35-39). You represent God as a result of accepting His unconditional love. Everything you do to please Him, to represent Him, to be obedient to Him will flow from your acceptance of, belief in and dependence on His love. When you accept Jesus into your heart you acknowledge and demonstrate your understanding of His sacrifice and fierce love for you (see Romans 10:9). Before and after you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior you will face opposition that will try to shake your confidence in God and His plan for you. But we are more than conquerors (see Roman 8:36-37).

It is all to tempting to make the Good News of Jesus Christ way too complicated. Sometimes we may be asked to answer to man’s version of God’s requirements instead of God’s. Man will sometimes sit in judgment of you as an unconscious diversion to keep from dealing with the complicated and seemingly contradictory issues in their own lives. To make it simple we all have things we are trying to reconcile and work out. But we can be secure in the love of Jesus Christ. He won’t drop us because we have issues. He came because we did. Jesus says come to “me” all who are weary and “I” will give you rest (see Matthew 11:28, emphasis mine). Whoever believes in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life (see John 3:16). He has already reconciled us to the Father. We just need to catch up to the provision that has already been made. The Father provides for His children. All that is required is for us to come to Him as such and graciously accept that which has been provided.

I believed in my heart before I even knew what I was doing. I couldn’t articulate it, I couldn’t explain it but I felt it. I knew and believed that in spite of my shortcomings and maybe even because of them He had compassion for me and He loved me. I didn’t know why, didn’t know how but I accepted it. In the coming months and years He revealed more and more to me. He brought people in my life that knew the Word and taught the Word. I read the Word for myself. He guided me into all truth and showed me all that I needed to know at the time I needed to know it and He still does. The Lord is continuously revealing Himself and revelations in His Word. I am convinced and excited that this Christian walk is a never-ending discovery and learning experience. Jesus was God’s best gift to mankind.  Don’t over complicate the gift God is trying to give you. Just accept it in the spirit of love in which it was given. Don’t fret so much about the things you don’t understand. Your foundation… your safety net is your trust in God’s gift. He’s got you and won’t let you go.

And to those who already believe and are overwhelmed by the cares of this life, your safety net is always there. Sometimes we forget the love we felt from Him in the beginning. We may need to rekindle the flame. He still sees you, yes you feel like you should be further along by now, you beat yourself up when the same issues trip you up and you come away feeling condemned….but that is all designed to keep you stuck. Stuck in a past that God is done with. Stuck in confusion over things you were never meant to figure out. He feels your pain and He’s got your back….He will continue His good work in you (see Phil. 1:6)….just continue on the path He has set for you and He will meet you right where you are. There is no problem too big that He can’t solve and no hurt too deep that He can’t reach. Trust me on this…Trust Him.

This is your gift…open it.

Isaiah 9:6-7 NLT (New Living Translation)

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!

Love, Ms Wanda, GAC

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I'm Wanda the creator of “It’s a Journey” Blog.  The purpose of this Blog is to  encouraged you to  fulfill the purpose and plan God has for your life. A journey that may be full of obstacles but also one full of grace. Please comment and share your thoughts! 

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