Fighters Fight
Updated: Feb 23, 2024
I know I have said this before but Rocky Balboa is one of my favorite movies. I’ve watched it so many times that when it comes on my family quietly and sometimes not so quietly leaves the room:) Last night was one of those nights. It really doesn’t matter though because they will hear about all the revelations I experienced while watching the movie for days to come! It is chocked so full of lessons for life and every time I watch it I get something more out of it. Pauly (Rocky’s brother in law) was a man that lived in regret because he lived a sloppy life. He wouldn’t forgive, he treated and judged others harshly and he wouldn’t allow himself to dream because of his circumstances but was willing to live through Rocky. He loved Rocky but he also resented him. Rocky, on the other hand, lived hard, forgave often and let stuff go. He had gained a great deal in his life and he also lost a great deal. He lost money, fame, his title, respect from some, friends, and the love of his life, his wife Adrian, died. But he never lost who he was at heart….a fighter….a man with a fierce heart and never afraid to wear it on his sleeve. He was a man that could probably knock most people out even as an older man….but didn’t do it….he didn’t abuse the gift he had been given on things that really didn’t matter…he was a man that could take your best shot, get up and keep going while not holding it against you….he didn’t hold on to grudges or slights. He would allow you to think less of him intellectually but was full of wisdom and great strength….people would often bet against him and he didn’t always win but he was always a winner because he was never a coward and never quit…he felt like it at times, had dark days, struggled with self doubt but in the end he would get up and do what he was called to do…fighters fight….He let his light shine before men…no matter what the cost.
