You….Through God’s Eyes
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
Do you spend your day empowering yourself? Do you fill your day seeing yourself as God sees you or are you depending on your own mind and experiences to give you value? Seeing yourself only through your eyes or others eyes can leave you confused, discouraged, off-balance, defeated and powerless. But seeing yourself the way God sees you leaves you feeling inspired, reassured, empowered, creative and grateful. Our struggle is not needing more money because if we saw ourselves through God’s eyes we would not only find a way to make what we have work but we would view ourselves worthy in spite of what we didn’t have which only opens the door for opportunity. Our struggle is not the relationship we don’t have because if we saw ourselves through God’s eyes we would stop judging ourselves by our relationships or the lack thereof and nurture ourselves and take the pressure off. Our struggle is not being thin enough, smart enough, beautiful, handsome or strong. Our real struggle every minute of everyday is seeing ourselves as God sees us and staying in that place.
I would occasionally preach at the church I used to belong to and right before I would get up to speak I didn’t really want to speak with anyone because I didn’t want to be distracted. I wanted to pray and get that connection with God so I would have the courage to get up and deliver the words He gave me to say. Speaking of this spiritually I would say I wanted to feel and move in the spirit of God, not by my own effort. Speaking in sports terms, I wanted to be in the zone. I look back now and realize that I was desperately trying to see myself as He saw me…as His mouthpiece. I was fearful that if I got distracted I would slip into that powerless feeling. You know that feeling…that feeling that says I have to make this happen on my own. It sounds like you are coming from a place of power when you say that but believe it or not it is really coming from a place of weakness. I felt so insecure and inadequate in the role He had thrust me in. I knew I had been called but I felt unqualified. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing, make a mistake and risk making a fool of myself. It was terrifying to get up in that pulpit but it was also exhilarating. I felt nervous but at the same time excited and confident. And this may sound crazy considering what I described earlier but I also felt completely in my element. Then when it was over I felt drained and nervous all over again not believing what He had just allowed me to do. And afterwards all those old insecurities would come flooding back and I felt like I was losing power and energy. Feeling drained not just by the experience but by my endless self judgement and criticism. Ever been there? Ever mess up a good experience with your own judgement? After my whirlwind of emotions I would get quiet and still and I could hear God say “enough”. In His sweet and gentle way He would say: “My love, it’s not about you…my message was meant for one or some and the ones that were meant to get it got it. So stop focusing on self and more on me. Trust me to love you enough not to send you somewhere you were not supposed to go. Trust me enough to know that I’ve got this and I’ve got you”.
He knows that our struggle daily is to see ourselves as He sees us and to trust that He is not wrong about us. God sees you and knows who you are. And the best part is He approves of you. Anything done outside of His will for your life is a result of your struggle with your perception of yourself and His perception of you and our unique and frustrating ability to get this twisted. What I have discovered is that our opinion about ourselves comes secondary to God’s. And the opinions of others has all to do with them, not you.
You were created by God for a purpose. He put the best of Himself in you. Stopping stuffing down the best part of you and burying yourself under a pile of stuff that may seem important but really is not. I know this is hard especially if you came up in a critical environment or have had to function in spite of dysfunction. But you get it. I know you do. Now just strive to live it, everyday. Be and do all you were meant to be and do. Be good to yourself and touch others with your gifts, your talents, your kindness, your tenderness and your love. Be strong and of good courage. He’s with you.
Joshua 1:9 KJV
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Commit to stay in the struggle and be determined to see yourself through the eyes of the Lord, daily. Stay in the fight you are not alone.

With Love,
Ms Wanda, GAC