Raw Human Emotion
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
Raw human emotions, motivation, agendas, failure, weakness, brutality, triumph, victory, confusion, treachery, faithfulness, judgement, surrender. The fate, the betrayal, the arrest, the torture and then ultimately the crucifixion of Jesus. The night before, the day of, the days after the death of Jesus the Christ….raw human emotions.
Let’s take a look.
Everyone of you is going to stumble tonight because of me…the Disciples…failure…can’t you stay awake one hour for me?…..weakness….Peter you will deny me three times…self preservation.
The night before His crucifixion Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane… if there is any other way, take this cup from me….struggle….nevertheless not my will but thine…surrender.
They assembled together…the chief priests…the scribes….. the elders..the high priest…conspiracy…lets kill him….threatened by their fear of change…not tonight, not while all the people are gathered…treachery.
How much if I deliver Him to you?….Judas…. controlled by evil…thirty pieces of silver…greed….I’ll greet Him with a kiss so you will know which one He is….betrayal… Judas hung himself…desperation…regret…lost.
He hasn’t done anything worthy of death…I will let him go…Pilate…Crucify Him!!..the crowd….Okay, well I will let one go…..cowardess….which one?….Barabbas the murderer!……mob mentality….His blood will not be on my hands……apathy….He delivered Jesus to them…..peer pressure.
The chief priest asked….are you the Christ?….Jesus answered….I am……the truth with conviction and confidence….with that answer the high priest asking the question tore his own clothes in disgust…enraged…hardhearted…indignant…bloodthirsty.
The soldiers shoved a crown of thorns on His head… they beat Him…spit on Him….cruel….merciless….if you are the Christ save yourself…mockery.
On the cross…My God My God why hast thou forsaken me?…humaness…forgive them for they know not what they do…. our Lord….we deserve what we are getting but this man has done nothing…criminal on the cross next to Jesus….Jesus, Lord remember me when you go to your kingdom…faith…Today you will be with me in paradise..salvation…Father into thy hands I commend thee…surrender….It is finished.
The women prepare to anoint the body of Jesus….the stone is gone….confusion….why seek ye the living among the dead?…He is not here…He is risen…prophecy fulfilled….He is risen indeed…victory!!
Whether we are the ones committing the offense or the one that suffered because of the offense it is imperative that we see ourselves in scripture. It is important that we realize that in our humanness at any given time we can be the oppressor or the oppressed. We must know that everything that occurred the night before and the day of Jesus’ death and after He rose with all Power and Authority from Heaven was part of a master plan…The Master’s plan..to save you and me….Lo I will be with you always, even until the end of the world. He knows how you feel.
He was delivered into the hands of sinners, He became sin, died to conquer sin and rose to give everlasting life.
He knows how you feel.
With Love,
Ms. Wanda,GAC