I Can’t Make You Believe Me. I Can Only Tell You The Truth
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
What do you need to hear? What are you desperate to hear? What urgent word do you need?
Do you need to hear that you are talented, gifted and seen? That the only reason you struggle so is because you have so much to offer. Imagine you are having a conversation with God. Imagine Him saying: Don’t believe the lies and don’t fall for the hype. Quiet the destructive chatter. Who you are and what you do makes a difference. If no one has ever told you I have. You are special and unique and meant for a purpose. I can’t make you believe Me all I can do is tell you the truth. You are My special one.
I can’t make you believe Me. I can only tell you the truth.
Believing Me is the only thing you can do that will please Me.
Hebrews 11:6 New International Version (NIV) 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
And I will know with a certainty if you believe Me because you will begin to conduct yourself according to that faith. You will move when I say move, you will let go when I loosen your grip on whatever it is that is holding you back, you will hear Me when I speak and go the way I lead you with no looking back to your past. Without listening to the opinion of others no matter how well-meaning. The voice of your detractors or critics will pale in comparison to the compelling pull of Mine. My sheep hear my voice. Sheep know the voice of their shepherd because he cares for them, he provides and they depend on him for their well-being and their protection. They do not entertain predators. If a wolf or fox or bear shows up they know to run. And run for their lives. When the predator shows up in your life, in your thoughts run! Run like your life depends on it because it does and all those connected to you. Resist the enemy by believing God. Cultivate, grow and strengthen your faith. God can’t make you believe He can only show you the way, the truth and the life (see: John 14:6). Whoever believes will not perish but have everlasting life (see: John 3:16).
Are you being bullied by the enemy. Is he tormenting your thoughts? Influencing your actions? Tricking and deceiving you? Pretending to be your friend? Report him to the proper authority. And watch God take care of it.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 New International Version (NIV) 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
The inner struggle with darkness is serious. It comes in many forms…it can be subtle or obvious. It is different for different people but the goal is the same…… to destroy your future and everything God has planned for you. You cannot fight in your own strength.
The struggle between the light and darkness within is not imagined or hypocritical it is real and to be expected. We are not left defenseless. But we must make a choice. Who are you going to entertain? The enemy that so stealthily sneaks into your presence and infiltrates your thoughts?…. or your shepherd who will never leave you nor forsake you and stands watch over you…..Whose lead are you going to follow? Just make the decision and then don’t give up.
I can’t make you believe me. I can only tell you the truth.
Ms. Wanda, GAC