Updated: Jan 31, 2021
Well here we are, a new year and a new opportunity to commit to going to another level in this spiritual journey. Some would say it’s time to make a new year’s resolution and get “myself” together. Some may have given up on resolutions because they have found they just don’t work. I don’t know about you but getting “myself” together has not worked for me, not for very long anyway. For real change for a true transformation, what I must do, what I’m compelled, drawn and desperate to do is meet God on a higher level. To come up higher. I want to experience Him on the most intimate level possible while still being on earth. I need to allow Him to transform my mind, body and spirit. I must get rid of the clutter in my life and in my mind, in whatever form, to make room for His transforming power. Clutter can be loud, deafening, powerful and distracting. Clutter hides things. It keeps you from concentrating and causes you to lose sight of your God-given priorities.
As long as I can remember I have had the desire to write a book. A book that would help others live out their destiny and purpose with joy. Learning to maneuver life’s obstacles and take control of the inner turmoil that works overtime to stop you from doing what you were meant to do. Even with this burning desire I have not been able to focus on finishing that dream, that vision. What I have come to understand is that everything I have experienced and still experiencing is preparation and teaching for my life’s work. I am still in the process. But now I also understand that I must take time to walk out the ending of that book.
My greatest fear is that at the end of my life I find out I didn’t do what I was created to do. That I left my purpose undone. That I missed it. That I let stuff, things, old mind-sets, negative suggestions, selfish desires, trouble, fear, anger or ignorance dictate to me my whole life instead of being the best I can be for the God in me. I love Him and I know He loves me. Just as He loves you. Jesus has a way of showing you it’s not about you while at the same time making it all about you. We can only pour out that which is within us. There comes a time when we have to stop and slow down enough to allow God to pour into our spirit otherwise we run the risk of giving to others something that He did not intend or author. And that can be dangerous and extremely hurtful.
1 Corinthians 9:25-27 (NIV)
25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
I pray that you seek peace in your circumstances, your life and in your heart. I will continue as God leads me.

Pray for me as I pray for you.
Ms. Wanda, GAC