Wanda J. Thompson
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
I believe the happiest people or the people most at peace are those that understand that life is a series of seasons and that you should never get too attached to any one season in your life. Embrace it when it’s here and be willing to move on when it is over. Be grateful. The love of family and friends is one of those things that help you maneuver all the changes in your life. But you have to be willing to let even those relationships change and evolve. You can’t hold on so fiercely to the way it used to be without contaminating the present. Now that my children are grown and starting their own individual lives I wish my parents were still here so I could laugh with them and discuss that now I know what they went through with me when I so wanted my independence! I now appreciate how gracious they were to allow me to find my own way while at the same time always being there when I needed them. I look forward to the next chapter but cannot help but be nostalgic about what was. The key is to enjoy the season but don’t hold on too tight, we have to loosen our grip.
The Bible says in Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Life can sometimes seem to have no compassion. It can snatch and jerk us from one season to another before we are ready and without our permission. It’s in those times that we have to look around and appreciate the constants in our lives. The one thing that never changes for me is the love that Christ has for me. My “perception” of how He feels may change based on whether I feel I have messed up or not but the absolute truth is, His love never changes. He is always the same, waiting to guide me and educate me through each season. I guess that is why I am so passionate about Him. That’s why I started this blog because I want everyone to feel His unconditional love. His love energizes you, it inspires you, it moves you, it gives you passion. His love gets you, it changes you. And the cool thing is He feels this way about everyone, its just up to us to accept it. His love is the constant that helps make sense of all the seasons. It’s what helps us move from one season to another with a semblance of grace even when we don’t feel gracious. Sometimes you are dragged kicking and screaming to the next season but if you stay connected to Jesus grace always shows up….eventually.
I love Jesus so much and I am not ashamed to say that it is because He has shown that He loves me so. Here is where it can get tricky if you don’t feel that love right now and you hear someone gushing about His love for them. It can feel discouraging but let me assure you He is no respecter of persons and He loves you not in spite of what you’ve done but because He already knew you would need Him because of what we have all done, and that is come short of the glory of God.
I hope you know that if you are facing a change of seasons you are not alone. He feels your pain, He knows your uncertainty, He sees you and is always with you. Hold on to Jesus and wait for the grace.
With Love, Ms Wanda, GAC