The Peace of Release
Updated: Jan 25, 2021
Sometimes you just gotta cry….It’s not about being weak…it’s about staying clean
Clean of the things that can bring you down….
Clean of the things that can steal your dreams…
Clean of the things that can harden your heart
Nothing wrong with letting things go
Holding on seldom helps
It just confuses things…you know?
Cry sometimes…let it out…
It’s okay to cry sometimes…you just have to let it go….let go of the way we think things should be…and embrace change with an open heart
Sometimes we can be so busy holding on, sucking it up and keeping a stiff upper lip that we forget the power of letting it go…the peace of release….there is a sweet spot in surrender that opens you up to the possibilities with no judgement or fear…a place where you look forward with anticipation, excitement and love…with absolutely nothing to prove….just a mission to fulfill….

With Love,
Ms. Wanda, GAC